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A Himalaya Girl to a Successful Politician
Sanju Tamang is a female representative of local government in Kalika Ward no. 10, formally Siddhi VDC. She is a high school graduate and a farmer as her main occupation. She is also a mother of two children and active member in her community. Sanju Tamang has been an exemplary person for all the women living in her area. At first, she was one of the beneficiaries of our 3-year project launched at Siddhi.
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She also joined our CAFÉ initiative training in Siddhi. Through all the inspiration and dream to guide other women to be independent, she has now entered into the political sector and has been successfully selected as a Ward Member in Kalika Municipality-10. She is also the treasurer of Shree Sapana Mothers Farmers Group. With their constant request, we distributed the loan of Rs. 20 lakhs to two groups each of Rs.10 lakhs. She is very determined to engage women in businesses rather than sticking them in the kitchen and four walls of their houses. She said that women were anonymous for their contributions to our history, now we will be the ones to change the narrative.
Youtube Vedio Link- https://youtu.be/YoE0JGDAvcM