Construction of a school in Nandar after earthquake Nepal
  • Construction of a school in Nandar after earthquake Nepal
  • Construction of a school in Nandar after earthquake Nepal
  • Construction of a school in Nandar after earthquake Nepal
  • Construction of a school in Nandar after earthquake Nepal

Construction of a school in Nandar after earthquake Nepal

After the disastrous earthquake the school in many areas of Nepal were destroyed so classes had to be given in the open air. The same was the condition of a school in Kalika-10, Nandar. The local community informed SVSI about the condition so the team of SVSI went to Nandar to build a temporary learning center. The team reached the spot with food and some Zinc roofs for the roof. SVSI had made an agreement that the team of SVSI will work together with the local community and the school family to construct the school.
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 SVSI provided the food needed to the team and the students during the construction. We collected the materials locally and built a 3 roomed learning center in a week. We also helped by installing drinking water pipeline for the school.