Financial Empowerment through Consumer Awareness and Financial Education (CAFE)
Focused on behavioural change, CAFE provides education in money management and business skills to empower low income women and the financially excluded.
With the collabration between Good Return Foundation & FEMI Foundation, SVSI is continously providing the CAFE training to the women`s who have low income & poor money managment.
Some of the women`s who attended the CAFE training has some inspiring statement which has helped them to manage the money and have a good flow of income. Here are some of the statements;
Before joining CAFE Initiative Training provided by SVSI with different collaborators , she did not know about how to save money and Money Saving Habits for the future. After attending CAFE Training, she has now taken an initiative buying a Piggy Bank and saving money. She said that she would use the saved money for the education of her children.- Ramri Maya Chepang, Ichchhakamana - 1, Milijuli Mother Group.
Smriti used to say that before coming to the training, she did not know how to use her money properly. No matter how much she earned, it was only enough to eat and live, but could not save to start any business. After taking the CAFE training, she learned to keep account of every expense, and from that day on, she collected all the money she could, and now he is doing pig farming. She told that she is moving forward with an ambition to send her children to a good school and to face any problems arising in the future.- Smriti Chepang, Tarsiling Mothergroup
"Since I took the CAFE training, I learned how to manage money, save money, and do weekly accounts. I understood that before doing something, I should think once and choose some options before doing the work. I learned the meaning of the "Golden Rule". I now understand that we have to overcome many obstacles to reach our goal." - Sabitri Chepang, Ichchhakamana Ward No-1, Makhamali Mother Group.