Lunch At School
  • Lunch At School
  • Lunch At School
  • Lunch At School
  • Lunch At School

Lunch At School

Sapana Village Social Impact has been working for promoting quality education for the most marginalized community children. We have built school buildings, computer labs, and library, provided stationary to students, provided scholarships and installed ECA materials in different schools. After doing so many things to improve the quality of education we came to realize that major reason for drop out and less attendance in schools in the rural areas is due to lack of food in their home. So, SVSI started lunch at school programs in 5 different schools of Ratnanagar Municipality and Ichchhakamana Rural Municipality in Chitwan Nepal in collaboration with the local government.
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Currently, we are collaborating with schools located in the vicinity of the SVSI office and within the project area to provide a healthy lunch program for the students. The program involves supplying the necessary ingredients to prepare the meals leasing a nearby plot of land for vegetable production, and closely monitoring the initiative. Additionally, the local government provides the necessary funding for the program, which is deposited into SVSI's account. The local community takes the lead in preparing the lunch for the children.


Specifically, for the SVSI project areas, the programs improved nutrition, increased school attendance, and better academic performance in the children. It has also created economic benefits and reduced gender disparities in education. Overall, this program has a positive impact on the health, education, and economic wellbeing of the community in rural areas of Nepal.