Sapana Design
How it's functioning.
Volunteers and designers are regularly invited to train the women to develop their skills. The women produce these items for both local and international market. It is a fair-trade project, which means that the women get a fair price for their products. Sapana Village Lodge is acting like center of Volunteers and Customers for Sapana Design. In the heart of the lodge, Sapana Design has constructed a Shop to sell handmade products directly to the visitors and promote the project.
This project was initiated in 2007 in a small hut. Now, after 16 years, Sapana Design has been able to shift in a new building with a nice shop and enough working space. Handmade products are taking worldwide market and are sold to different countries, mainly in Netherlands and USA.
Women who invested their 16 years of their lives in our project, are able to graduate their children from qualified schools and to establish a stable lifestyle. 20 Sisters has finally retired because of their old age and now only 5 are actively working. Sapana Design is planning to train young generation about skills needed to make handmade textile and aware them about the importance of Tharu Culture.